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Circular Nº 12/2020

CIRCULAR Nº 10/2020 Tema: Coronavirus precautions and information Fecha: 30--01-2020 Estimados colegas asociados, Junto con saludarlos y con el fin de mantenerlos informados de lo que pasa a nivel mundial con el tema del Corona Virus y sus medidas de prevención, copiamos correo y adjuntos  que nos hiciera llegar la oficina central de IFSMA (International Federation of Shipmasters’ Associations); recordamos a ustedes que NAUTILUS es miembro de esta asociación. Atentamente, Directorio NAUTILUS ----------------------------- Copio De: Paul Owen [mailto: ] Enviado el: miércoles, 29 de enero de 2020 9:36 Para: HQ IFSMA < > Asunto: Coronavirus precautions and information Dear All, We have published two documents on the IFSMA website. 1/ A press release from Hill Dickinson, received via ISWAN, covering subjects such as ‘Quarantine and Deviation', ’NOR and Free Pratique’, ‘Safe Port Warranty’, and ‘Force Majeure’. This is available on the IFSMA Log page - password login required. 2/ A notice from the International Maritime Health Association, dated 28th January 2020, with general information on the Conoravirus such as how to protect yourself from getting infected. This will be found on our front page, password login is NOT required for this document. Best regards, Paul Owen Assistant Secretary General -- ___________________________________ International Federation of Shipmasters' Associations  (IFSMA) IFSMA, 1 Birdcage Walk, London, SW1H 9JJ, UK T: +(44) 20 7261 0450 F: +(44) 20 3468 2134 Website: < > Twitter < > FaceBook < > Linkedin “Secretary General IFSMA” YouTube: < > A video Introduction to IFSMA < > Occasionally IFSMA may send you information about our news and activities, if you no longer wish to receive this information please let us know. Please note that Members cannot unsubscribe from Membership Emails, as these are a vital part of your membership. Please reply to: Ver archivos adjuntos en menú " Archivos Circulares "

Circular Nº 12/2020
Asociación Gremial de Capitanes de Alta Mar y Prácticos.

Plaza de Justicia 45 Oficinas 514 - 516


Fono: (56) 32 - 2212412

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