Circular N° 32/2020
Tema: BLUE OCEAN research project.
Fecha: 10/11/2020
Estimados colegas asociados;
Para quienes estén interesados, copiamos correos de IFSMA referente al BLUE OCEAN research Project, los cuales se explican por sí solos. Es un tema especial para Capitanes de naves tanqueras (cisternas o petroleros/quimiqueros)
Directorio NAUTILUS
Paul Owen < >
Fwd: BLUE OCEAN research project.
Dear All,
Please find below a message from Jones Soares, a long standing Individual Member from Brazil.
I trust the request for help is self explanatory and hope you can assist.
Jones Soares < >
Marcio Lassance < >
Best regards, Paul Owen
Assistant Secretary General
Begin forwarded message:
From: Jones soares < >
Subject: BLUE OCEAN research project.
Date: 8 November 2020 at 19:26:34 GMT
To: < >
Cc: Marcio Lassance < >
Hi Paul,
I hope everithing is ok you, family and everybody from IFSMA.
I am participating as volunteer in some interviews in a research project named Blue Ocean project with Professor Marcio and Professor Carine.
BLUE OCEAN research project has central objective to evaluate how the current Information Technologies and Systems (IT / IS), associated with organizational management on board, may effectively optimize safety of the navigation on oil “tankers” (with several sizes, from 10.000 Dwt and above). The research is funded by the University of Grenoble Alpes (UGA), located in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region in France.
They are looking for some captains to interview.
If IFSMA has interest or you can help, I appreciate it.
Prof. Marcio is in copy
Best Regards,
Jones A. B. Soares
Capitão de Longo Curso/Master Mariner
Celular/Mobile: 55 21 971758952