CIRCULAR N° 23-2020
TEMA: IFSMA Survey For Ship Masters FECHA:26-05-2020 Estimados asociados, Junto con saludarlos, copiamos correo de la referencia proveniente de IFSMA solicitando responder encuesta para ayudar a este estudiante, Juho Eskola, con la investigación de su tesis.
Directorio NAUTILUS
Copio -------- Mensaje Original -------- Asunto: Fwd: Survey For Ship Masters Fecha: 2020-05-26 09:41 De: Paul Owen < > Destinatario: HQ IFSMA < >
Dear All,
Please see request below for assistance from Shipmasters with a survey to assist this student, Juho Eskola, with research for his thesis. He states that all returns will be treated as anonymous. It is estimated to require 15 minutes of time to complete.
Kindly circulate to your Shipmasters.
Best regards, Paul Owen Assistant Secretary General -- ___________________________________
Google Forms Dear Sir/Ma'am,
I've invited you to fill in a survey form: Survey For Ship Masters You, as a ship master (currently or in past) have been dealing with foreign authorities while visiting foreign ports world wide. As the reality stands, the corruption and other misconducts by local authorities are rather common and can sometimes take severe and even criminal level of act.
This survey is to gather information from ship masters who have been dealing with an authorities misconducting their authority power at foreign ports. If you have faced several misconducting cases, please fill the survey for each case separately and return them as separated survey responses.
This survey contains 2 sections. First section is focusing on misconducts during normal port of call and 2nd section is containing questions regarding accidents, smuggling and human trafficking. Survey will take about 15 minutes and is used and analyzed as a material for a masters thesis.
All responses are received and analyzed anonymously. Responses are collected for analyzing on 1.7.2020 and all responses sent after that are no longer recorded. FILL OUT FORM Create your own Google Form
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